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Oral Exam Guide: Instrument Pilot

Oral Exam Guide: Instrument Pilot

SKU: 284215376135191

 Instrument Pilot Oral Exam Guide has been updated throughout to comply with current regulations, procedures, and airman certification standards (ACS). Exam Tips have been added to all chapters, and answers and references have been updated to reflect current FAA guidance. New questions and answers reflect subjects evaluators have historically found weak during practical exams. Appendices include a Practical Test Checklist for Applicants and Examiners, Certified Flight Instructor-Instrument Airplane Supplement, and FAA Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) guidance.

ASA Oral Exam Guides were written to help applicants prepare for their oral exams with FAA examiners. Examiners ask a lot of questions during the oral portion of the checkride, and thorough preparation is key to success. Using a question-and-answer format, each Oral Exam Guide lists the questions most likely to be asked by examiners and provides succinct, ready responses.

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