FAR for Flight Crew
The definitive reference book for Part 121 and 135 operators, career aviators, and fractional ownership programs in a 6" x 9", 560-page handbook format.
FAR for Flight Crew includes:
- Parts 1, 5, 63, 65, 91 Subpart K, 110, 117, 119, 120, 121, 135, and 49 CFR Parts 175 (Hazmat), and 1544 (TSA).
- Pilot’s Bill of Rights.
- Changes and updates since last edition clearly marked.
- FREE updates available online and via email subscription service for regulation and procedural changes. Sign up on our FAR/AIM Updates page.
- The most complete and up-to-date information available.
- Comprehensive FAR index.
ASA has built a reputation for providing the aviation community with the most accurate and reliable FAR/AIM products available. The 2019 Series continues this tradition, with books that contain complete and up-to-date information from the Federal Aviation Regulations.
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